We are a non-profit, non-partisan, and non-religious organization
We empower and inspire to alleviate poverty and reduce suffering

Shop COTiFFA reusable menstrual pads and support the work of COTI Uganda

Our vision is to transform the community we serve. We do this through education, vocational programs, and responding to the individual needs

We support our community by providing programs to help young people learn about themselves and their health, develop vocational skills, and provide them with necessary tools to thrive.

Children need to be in school so they can grow and learn. It is through education children will lift themselves and their communities out of poverty.
Our Mission
Our mission is to empower and inspire less privileged people and communities to take an active role in sustainable development efforts aimed at alleviating poverty and reducing human suffering.
Sustainable Food
The Sustainable Food System Initiative aims to transform the local food production and consumption landscape towards a more sustainable, resilient, and equitable model. KayabweTown, faces challenges related to food security, environmental degradation, and socio-economic disparities. Through this project, we seek to address these challenges by promoting sustainable agricultural practices, fostering community engagement, and enhancing access to nutritious food options.

Vocational Skills
In 2021, COTI bought six sewing machines, material, and hired a professional seamstress to teach young adults to sew. The intention of the project was to give young adults a new vocational skill. They began by learning how to make reusable menstrual pads. When they became proficient, they would sell their products for income, as a social enterprise for COTI and its community. There were so many people who needed these pads who were not in a position to purchase them. The first 600 were given away for free to female students in need. But, more were needed
Mental Health
Most recently we are launching a new initiative: Minds United: Nurturing Resilience, Inspiring Change. Through this initiative we aim to create a supportive and educational platform to foster positive conversations and actions around mental well-being for youth and women.

Without education our community cannot thrive. Ensuring children attend school, have their tuition paid, their supplies purchased is at the forefront of our work.
Being on the forefront of development, we are in the best position to speak about children, what they need to grow and learn, and what they are experiencing each day.

Your support can change our community
Registration No. 880020000469901